Recorder Provider

The Recorder Provider records a data source at fixed interval times or by a data change event.
The recorder is mainly used as data source for the TimeSeries-Facelet or can be used to calculate minimum, maximum or average values of a data source over an interval time, like min/max heart rate values of the last hour.


  • Input Value (Data Source)
    Select a provider output as input source.

  • Recording Time
    Define a recording time span like 10m, 1h or 24h. This means the recorder will store all values within this time span up to now.
    Older values are discarded. E.g. if a temperature should be recorded for the last 24 hours, set this to 24h.

  • Sample Mode

    Mode Description


    Data is recorded when the value of the data source changes or is updated.


    The data source is recorded in fixed intervals defined by the Interval Time.

  • Sample Interval
    The sample interval time like 30s, 1m or 1h to take a sample at fixed points.
    Only used when sample mode "Interval" is selected.

  • Ignore Sleep
    If enabled, recording sample values continues during sleep mode. Enabled is the default.

    Make sure that the data source also ignores sleep mode, when this is enabled.
  • Skip Invalid Values
    If enabled, invalid data source values (NaN) are not recorded and stored.

  • Aggregation mode

    Mode Description


    No aggregation, every sample value is stored.


    The minimum value of the according aggregation interval is stored.


    The maximum value of the according aggregation interval is stored.


    The average value of the according aggregation interval is stored.


    The sum of all values of the according aggregation interval is stored.


    The relative change of all values of the according aggregation interval is stored.

  • Aggregation Interval
    The data Aggregation interval like 30m or 1h.
    All values which are recorded within the same time window are aggregated by the selected aggregation mode.

  • Persistent Data ID
    If this ID is set, all recorded data is persistently stored on shutdown in the non volatile memory.
    leave empty for no persistence.
    Using the same ID across different faces make the same data available.


  • Status
    The status represents the recorded size.

    Text Numeric Description



    The recorder is empty.



    At least one sample is recorded.

  • Time Series
    Returns all recorded data as text in form of timestamp1,value1;timestamp2,value2;timestamp3,value3.
    Timestamps are given in milliseconds epoch time (milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). Value is a float number like 123.453, decimal separator is a dot. The timestamp/value pairs are separated by a semicolon.

  • First Sample
    Returns the oldest recorded value.

  • Last Sample
    Returns the latest recorded value.

  • Minimum Value
    Get the minimum value of values in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Maximum Value
    Get the maximum value of values in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Average Value
    Get the difference value of the first and the last recorded value in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Average Value
    Get the average value of values in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Sum Value
    Get the sum of values in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Slope
    Returns the slope (trendline) values in the time range.

    • Param 1
      The time range to evaluate from the end to past like 30m or 12h.
      Leave empty or set to 0 to evaluate all stored values.

  • Sample Size
    The number of recorded values.


  • Reset
    Reset the recorder, all values are deleted.
    Used as trigger action, e.g. from a button facelet.