Calendar Provider

The Calendar Provider accesses the calendar of the device and loads the next ten events.


  • Calendar Name The name of the calendar to access. Leave this empty to access the main calendar.

  • Show All Day Events Enable this to get All Day Events, too.


  • Title
    The title of the event.

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

  • Description
    The description of the event.

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

  • Organizer
    The organizer of the event.

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

  • Location
    The location of the event.

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

  • Color
    The assigned color of the event in #AARRGGBB or numeric format.

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

  • Startime
    The starttime of the event.

    Text Numeric

    Time in the format specified by Param 2

    Milliseconds since epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 + Timezone of Param 2

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

    • Param 2
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS" is used.

  • Endtime
    The endtime of the event.

    Text Numeric

    Time in the format specified by Param 2

    Milliseconds since epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 + Timezone of Param 2

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

    • Param 2
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS" is used.

  • Duration
    The duration of the event.

    Text Numeric

    Duration in the format specified by Param 2

    Duration value in milliseconds

    • Param 1
      Sets the event index.
      0 = The next event, 1 = the next but one event, 9 = The 10. event.

    • Param 2
      Repeating a token sets the leading zeros, e.g. ss gives 04 for 4 seconds.
      Available Pattern Tokens:

      Token Duration element














      Text content

      E.g. use "HH:mm:ss" for an hour countdown with a second resolution.

  • All Day Event 1 if is is an All Day event, 0 otherwise

  • Timezone
    Returns the timezone of the event like Europe/Berlin.

  • Status
    Get the query status






    No calendar entry



    At least one calendar entry