Navigation Provider

The Navigation Provider calculates the direction, bearing and distance between two points.
To calculate the direction this provider needs, uses and creates the Orientation Provider, if necessary.


  • Actual/Start Location
    The starting point, this is normally the own location.
    The location input comes normally from the Location or GPS provider.
    Coordinates must be in Decimal degrees (DD) format like latitude, longitude, e.g. 41.40338, 2.17403. Decimal separator is a dot.

  • Destination Location
    The destination (end) point.
    Coordinates must be in Decimal degrees (DD) format of latitude, longitude, e.g. 41.40338, 2.17403. Decimal separator is a dot.

  • Geofence Diameter
    Define a geofence diameter in meters around the Destination Location.
    If the Actual Location is within this circle, the "Is Inside" is set to 1.


  • Status
    Get the navigation status.

    Text Numeric



    Navigation data is available and valid.



    Orientation data is missing (no orientation/compass information).



    Location or destination input is invalid.

  • Distance
    The distance in meters from the location to the destination point.

    Calculation is done by using the haversine formula to calculate the great-circle distance between the two points, that’s the shortest distance over the earth’s surface.
    This formula assumes a spherical earth (ignoring ellipsoidal effects) which is accurate enough for most purposes with errors typically up to 0.3%.
  • Bearing
    Bearing angle in degrees (clockwise) between magnetic north and the direction to the destination.
    This value takes the magnetic north pole (where a compass is pointing to) as reference.

  • Bearing - True North Bearing angle in degrees (clockwise) between true north and the direction to the destination.
    This value takes the geographic (true) north pole as reference.

  • Direction
    Direction angle in degrees (clockwise) between the center top of the device and the destination.
    This value is the bearing subtracted by the actual z-axis orientation of the device.
    If the y-axis of the device points to the destination, this value is 0.

  • Declination
    Magnetic declination angle in degrees between magnetic and true north at the given location point.
    By convention the declination angle is positive when magnetic north is east of true north and negative when it is west.

    As the magnetic declination changes over time and depends on the location, this value is not constant.
    It is calculated here using the WMM2020 model, a compromise between precision and CPU power.
  • Geofence - Is Inside Returns 1 if the actual location is inside the geofence diameter, 0 if outside.