Alarm Provider

The Alarm Provider gets the time of the next scheduled alarm event from the alarm manager.
If multiple alarms are active, it gets the one which is active (activated) and occurs next.
If this provider is queried numerically, it gives the time in milliseconds since epoch corrected by the timezone of Param1.


No configuration is necessary.


  • Time
    Get the next alarm time. If no alarm is scheduled, the result is empty.
    Numerically representation is given in milliseconds since epoch (1970-01-01) and the value is timezone corrected by the given timezone of Param 1.
    Text representation is defined by Param 2.

    Text Numeric

    Time in the format specified by Param 2

    Milliseconds since epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 + Timezone of Param 1

    • Param 1
      Sets the timezone in which the alarm time is given.

      Value Description

      System Default

      Uses the system timezone. This is normally the (automatically adjusted) timezone in which the device is located.

      Timezone like 'Europe/Berlin'

      Setup a custom timezone for the alarm time.

    • Param 2
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS" is used.

  • Status
    Get the alarm status.






    No alarm is set or active.



    An alarm is active and scheduled.