Prayer Times Provider

The Prayer Times Provider calculates high precision islamic prayer times for a given GPS location, date and timezone using the astronomical algorithms of Jean Meeus.


  • GPS Location

  • Date
    The date (and timezone) for the prayer times calculation.
    The date must be an ISO formatted time like yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS from the Time provider, a date format of yyyy-MM-dd like 2023-03-25 or leave it empty for the actual date.

  • Result Timezone
    The timezone for the calculated result times.
    This is normally the timezone of the current location (System default).

    You can set the GPS Location to the Kaaba position and the Date timezone to Mecca (AST or UTC/GMT+3). If your actual location is Berlin, set the Result Timezone to "Europe/Berlin" and you know when it’s time to pray in Mecca.
  • Method
    Selects the calculation method:

    Method Parameter

    Muslim World League

    Fajr angle of 18 and an Isha angle of 17

    Egyptian General Authority of Survey

    Fajr angle of 19.5 and an Isha angle of 17.5

    Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah

    Fajr angle of 18.5 and an Isha angle of 90

    University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi

    Fajr angle of 18 and an Isha angle of 18

    Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

    Fajr angle of 15 and an Isha angle of 15 (not recommended)


    Fajr and Isha angles of 18.2


    Fajr angle of 18 and an Isha angle of 17.5


    Fajr angle of 18 and an Isha angle of 90 (modified version of Umm al-Qura)


    Fajr angle of 18 and an Isha angle of 17

  • Asr Juristic
    Madhab for determining how Asr is calculated:



    Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki

    The Asr prayer time begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its height


    The Asr prayer time begins when the shadow of an object is twice its height

  • High Latitude Method
    Rules for dealing with Fajr and Isha at places with high latitudes:

    Method Parameter

    Midnight Rule

    Middle of the night
    Fajr will never be earlier than the middle of the night. Isha will never be later than the middle of the night.

    One Seventh

    Seventh of the night
    Fajr will never be earlier than the beginning of the last seventh of the night. Isha will never be later than the end of the first seventh of the night.

    Angle Based

    Similar to the "One Seventh" Rule, but instead of 1/7th, the Fajr and Isha angle is used as faction of the night.

  • Fajr Adjustment
    Time in Minutes to add to Fajr time.

  • Dhuhr Adjustment
    Time in Minutes to add to Dhuhr time.

  • Maghrib Adjustment
    Time in Minutes to add to Maghrib (after sunset) time.


  • Status

    Text Numeric Description



    Date is invalid



    Date is valid



    Calculation failure

  • Fajr
    Time when the sky begins to lighten.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Dhuhr
    Time when the sun begins to decline after noon.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Asr
    Time when an object’s shadow reaches a certain length of the object itself.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Maghrib
    Time soon after sunset.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Isha
    Time when darkness fall and no scattered light is in the sky.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Sunrise
    Time when the first part of the sun appears above the horizon.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Actual Prayer Time
    Time of the actual prayer.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Actual Prayer Name
    The name of the actual prayer.

  • Next Prayer Time
    Time of the next upcoming prayer.

    • Param 1
      The time format of the text representation. See Time Format for details.
      If empty, the default ISO format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS is used.

  • Actual Prayer Name
    The name of the next upcoming prayer.

  • Time to the next Prayer
    Remaining time to the next prayer:

    Text Numeric

    Duration in the format specified by Param 1

    Duration value in milliseconds

    • Param 1
      Repeating a token sets the leading zeros, e.g. ss gives 04 for 4 seconds.
      Available Pattern Tokens:

      Token Duration element














      Text content

      E.g. use "HH:mm" for an hour countdown with a minute resolution.