MySQL Provider

The MySQL Provider connects to a MySQL database and executes a query at fixed interval times.

Normally it`s a really bad idea to expose a production MySQL database directly to the internet.
Usage should be limited to testing purpose or to internal networks only!
Anyway, if you are using this provider to access a database, you know what you are doing.


  • Host
    The IP or URL of the database host to connect to.

  • Port
    The port number of the database host, the default port is 3306.

  • Use SSL
    Enable to use SSL transport encryption, disable for no encryption.

  • Database Name
    The name of the database to connect to.

  • Username
    Username if database authentication is required, empty if authentication is not necessary.

  • Password
    Password if database authentication is required.

  • Execution Interval
    The query request and execution interval time like 30s, 5m``or `4h.

  • Ignore Sleep Mode
    Enable this to continue with query requests and execution while the device is sleeping.

  • Statement / Query
    An SQL query expression like SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM customer WHERE id < 1000. The result column (cnt here) must match Param 1 of the Value query.


  • Status
    Get the actual query request status.

    Text Numeric



    No request done yet (init).



    Request was successful, data is available



    Request failed, no data is available

  • Value
    The column value of the request.
    If the result set consists of multiple rows, only the first row is evaluated as result.

    • Param 1
      Column name of the result.
      If the column is not available, the result is empty.