You can install tyckr via the Google Play store or download the according APKs here and install them directly.
To install tyckr as a watchface use the Play Store on your watch and search for "tyckr".
Android Wear OS 5 watches can only install codeless WFF watchfaces over the Play Store. To install tyckr on OS 5, use the Wear Installer 2 and install the APK below. |
Universal APK 32/64 bit |
arm64-v8a ABI, armeabi-v7a ABI, x86, x86_64 |
Supported OS: Android 9 (API 28) and higher |
Certificate SHA-1: |
To install tyckr as widget use the Play Store and search for "tyckr" or download the APK below for direct installation.
Universal APK 32/64 bit |
arm64-v8a ABI, armeabi-v7a ABI, x86, x86_64 |
Supported OS: Android 9 (API 28) and higher |
Certificate SHA-1: |
You can check if the APK is genuine by comparing its certificate SHA-1 fingerprint with the one provided here. Use a tool like the APK Checker for APK verification. |
App for WFF Watches
Just in development and coming in Q2/2025.
Release Notes
Watchface 3.6.1 / Core 3.12.1
Release date: 2025-02-11
Watchface 3.6.1
Update to Core
Widget 2.6.4 / Core 3.12.1
Release date: 2025-02-11
Widget 2.6.4
Initial Public Widget Release
Core 3.12.1
Fixed some minor bugs
Fixed a bug in the GPS Provider when no GPS signal is available
Don’t draw the center dot of the Hand Facelet if its diameter is 0
Fixed the Body Provider permissions to keep providing data during sleep mode
Watchface 3.6.0 / Core 3.12.0
Release date: 2025-02-03
Watchface 3.6.0
Improved permission handling, all missing permissions will be displayed for a specific face at its start
Fixed the internal Flashlight activity of the Launcher Facelet
Core 3.12.0
Replaced the video grabber library (used by the Image/Video Facelet) with an own implementation, which is way faster and has a much smaller footprint.
Added the Shape Facelet for dynamic shape drawing
Added an optional center dot to the Hand Facelet
Watchface 3.5.0 / Core 3.11.0
Release date: 2025-01-24
Core 3.11.0
Added a new serif font "Tinos"
Fixed border anti aliasing of the Clock Facelet
Fixed the permission check of the Time Provider when using GPS as time source
Watchface 3.4.13 / Core 3.9.4
Release date: 2025-01-22
Watchface 3.4.13
Initial Public Watchface Release