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Release of Watchface 3.6.0 / Core 3.12.0

This release contains mainly an updated core and gives an improved permission handling experience.
The core has been updated to version 3.12.0 which contains the following changes:

  • Replaced the video grabber library (used by the Image/Video Facelet) with an own implementation, which is way faster and has a much smaller footprint.

  • Added the Shape Facelet for dynamic shape drawing

  • Added an optional center dot to the Hand Facelet

Watchface 3.6.0 contains the following changes:

  • Improved permission handling, all missing permissions will be displayed for a specific face at its start

  • Fixed the internal Flashlight activity of the Launcher Facelet

The latest version 3.6.0 of the watchface is now available in the Play Store or for direct APK download.